Sep 30, 2017

5 Questions When Considering Your Future

A church is filled with people in varying stages of life. Someone considering their career path, which college to attend, or when to start a family can find themselves worshiping Jesus right next to someone considering how to prepare themselves and their families for the day they pass on into eternity. A person considering who they will marry prays alongside someone thinking about how to move on as a widower. Churches are filled with believers in different stages of life, but there are some questions all believers can ask themselves when thinking about their future life.

Pleasing God

So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10).

For followers of Christ, there should one common and central concern when it comes to our futures--how can we please the Lord? Taking some time to answer the questions below may help us ensure that our future lives and decisions are pleasing to our Savior.

What good work(s) is the Lord calling you to? Ephesians 2:10 tells us that the Lord has prepared good works for each believer to accomplish and be involved in. God has prepared them for you--not just for pastors, missionaries, or worship leaders. Every believer has been picked by God to do specific good works that advance His Kingdom and enhance their joy. There are actions, conversations, and prayers that God has marked out for you to accomplish. Not someone else--you! You may not be able to do what you used to, it might be something out of your comfort zone, and it may take every ounce of faith and humility you have, but God has good works He is calling you to take part in. What good works does your future hold? What is God calling you to do?

How can I grow in the knowledge of God? God is pleased when we grow in our knowledge of Him. Learning about God helps us worship Him, love Him, and tell others about the God we know. The more we know about God, the more we can praise Him for. Make no mistake, understanding who God is affects our holiness, decision-making, and priorities. We don't grow in knowledge just so we can recite facts and truths--it matters to our daily lives. What steps can you take to grow in your knowledge of God? What conversations do you need to have? What questions do you need to ask?

How can I grow in holiness? Christians aren't sinless, but we should strive to sin less. We've been set free from sin, let's live like it. Growing in holiness is not just about what needs to be avoided, but also what needs to be obeyed or acted upon. What areas do you need to grow in?  Patience? Anger? Jealousy? Gossip? Greed? Apathy? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Spend some time assessing your relationships, their influence on you, and how you treat others. Think about your motivations, attitude, and normal thought processes.

How can I grow in generosity? 

I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God (Philippians 4:18). 

Paul received money that made ministry happen and it pleased God. How can you grow in your giving? What ministry can you help move forward? Are you giving generously to your church? Has a specific ministry blessed you? Consider making a one-time gift. Make sure your future has you being a part of spreading the gospel. Maybe there are some non-essentials--things like cable television--that can go so it frees up some money to give towards God's Kingdom advancing.

How can you grow in prayer?

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,  (2)  for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  (3)  This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,  (4)  who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Our nation is in an interesting place; the future seems so uncertain. But one thing is for sure. God expects us to pray! How can you leverage moments throughout your day and turn them into prayer times? Alone in the car? Pray! Waiting in the doctor office? Pray! Whatever growth in your prayer life would look like, how can you make it happen? If you are having trouble praying, or feel as if you will never be able to experience a breakthrough in your prayer life, take some steps towards growth. Talk to people who you know have robust prayer lives. Ask them questions; request that they add you to their prayer list. Spend time around them as they pray--you may find that their heart for prayer is contagious and beginning to grow in you!