Nov 14, 2017

Rhythm Recap [ 11.12.17 ]


"Dunamis (Power)"

TEXT: Acts 1:8; John 14:15-17; Matthew 10:1; Luke 1:39-45; Acts 2:1-4; Acts 8


1. Jesus promised His disciples that the same Holy Spirit that was "with" them would soon be "in" them. When the Holy Spirit was with the disciples, demonstrative power from heaven was displayed. We can logically and biblically assume that the same type of demonstrative power will occur when the Spirit comes to reside in and fill believers.  

2. Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit before the Day of Pentecost and words of prophecy came out of her mouth. On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were filled and spoke in languages they had not learned. They should not have been able to do this, but they had just been filled with the Spirit. In both cases, and in other instances throughout the Book of Acts, when believers are filled, words powerfully come out.

3. Being filled with the Spirit and having the gifts of the Spirit operate cost the early church dearly. The Holy Spirit's empowerment did not prevent uncomfortable circumstances from coming into their lives, it actually created more problems and persecution for them to deal with. We must remember that the Bible records this reality. It is a common temptation for Pentecostals to think the purpose of the Spirit's empowerment is to make their lives safe and comfortable.

4. Biblical truth can be divided into two main categories: objective and subjective. Objective truth is based on facts, claims, and statements. Subjective truth is based on someone's thoughts, feelings, and specific experiences concerning a particular truth claim. The Bible gives examples of both types of evidence concerning many areas of our faith.

5. As an example, we can look at water baptism. The objective truth claim states that believers have died with Christ and have been made new creations. The subjective truth comes when we identify and display what has taken place in our souls by being baptized in water--an experience. How does this work concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Scripture objectively claims that the Holy Spirit lives in believers. They subjectively experience this when they are filled and baptized and words powerfully come from their souls and out of their mouths.
6. Our words have the power to heal and give life, and they have the power to destroy and tear down. Words are powerful and come from the depths of our soul. This seems to be why words flow from a person when they are filled with the Holy Spirit--they powerfully advance the Kingdom of God in our both our own lives and in an unbelieving world.

7. We often underestimate the power of our words when talking to both God and people. We become discouraged concerning the power of prayer and often underestimate the effect our words have on other people.


1. In what ways may being Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered bring problems and difficulties into the lives of Christians today?

2. How do we underestimate the power of our words when talking to God? How about when talking to others?

3. Why is it important to subjectively experience an objective truth that we may hold or adhere to?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

That we would be wise with our words--in both prayer and in our words to others.

That the Spirit would empower all the ministries and believers at our church!