"Remember This, Forget That"
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15:1-18; Romans 10:8-11
1. There should be no arguments or contention over spiritual issues and matters within a body of believers. Although the Bible does not call us to conformity, it does call us to unity. Being in unity does not always require us to agree with fellow believers on peripheral issues or in areas where it is acceptable to hold varying opinions. But we do have to lovingly serve, encourage, and care for others despite our differences. Unity is essential because the Holy Spirit will not move in an environment that is full of chaos and strife.
2. Towards the end of his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul reminds them (and us) of some of the most important truths that are central to the Christian faith. Among the truths he mentions, Paul spends a considerable amount of time talking about Jesus' resurrection from death. Without Jesus' resurrection, our faith would be emptied of its' power and life could be considered to have no significant or eternal meaning.
3. If the resurrection of Christ has not changed someone's life, then they have believed in vain. We cannot reduce the resurrection of Christ to a mere fact that we are called to believe on intellectually--Paul presents it as something much more important. It should impact our lives, either directly or indirectly, each and every day.
4. Paul mentions (5) truths to remember about the gospel in the opening verses of chapter 15:
- "Which you received"--You have not received the gospel if it's not the plan you live your life by. To receive the gospel is to hold its' message and truths up as the center of your life.
- "In which you stand"--The gospel changes your worldview. It shifts your priorities around and changes what you say "yes" and what you say "no" to.
- "Are being saved"--A Christian's life is marked by a lifelong battle with their sinful flesh. Our spiritual growth comes step by step; little by little. The Bible speaks of salvation using three different tenses: (1) we have been saved, (2) we are being saved, and (3) we will be saved.
- "Hold fast"--The gospel calls us to remind ourselves of the Word of God and to meditate upon all the promises and warnings contained in it. Rather than trust the lies and darkness of the enemy, our culture, and our flesh, the gospel allows us to trust in the truth and light of the Word of God.
- "In vain"--Despite any circumstance we may find ourselves in, the gospel calls and allows us to endure. Once you have believed on Jesus, you never stop believing on Him.
1. A significant portion of Sunday's sermon talked about the importance of Jesus being a man and having a bodily resurrection. Why is it important to understand that Jesus was, currently is, and will always be in a human body?
2. What are some examples of how the gospel changes your worldview?
3. What does it look like to have the gospel at the center of your life? How can someone know if the gospel is at the center of their life?
Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):
That the gospel would be at the center of all our church is involved in.
That our church would be wise concerning issues that could result in arguments and potential division among believers.