Dec 5, 2017

Rhythm Recap [ 12.3.17 ]


"Churchianity or Be The Church"


1. Churchianity: the devolution of Christianity into a social club that adopts and mimics culture and the modern world instead of purging evil out of the world. In western church culture, we have witnessed the church's departure from its' God-given purpose. Many who attend church view it as an event that requires only attendance and some sort of social interaction. The prevailing mindset seems to be that hell is bad and that heaven sounds good, therefore you should probably show up to church once in a while to obtain an enjoyable eternity for yourself.

2. Biblically, God calls us to gather so we can build one another up in the faith. A church service is marked by sacrificial love and the expression of spiritual gifts--this requires that a diverse (in some way) group of people regularly gather together. The biblical definition and example of a worship service destroys the erroneous idea that personal and private devotions can be considered a form of biblical worship. 

3. 1 Corinthians 14 takes a look inside the only worship service that gets recorded in the New Testament. This chapter shows us what should happen during our worship services and reveals what all believers need to be a part of in order to spiritually grow. If a follower of Jesus refuses to take these practices seriously, their faith and spiritual life will never mature. There are no other methods for growth outside of opening our hearts and lives to what is outlined in chapter 14.

4. What should happen in a worship service according to 1 Corinthians 14:
  1. Singing
  2. Preaching
  3. Prophesying
  4. Praying
  5. Hearing
  6. Doing

5. Throughout 1 Corinthians 14, Jesus calls us to resist behaviors and attitudes that could be considered "self-promotion" during our worship services. We are called to serve, love, honor, and sacrifice for others. Self-promotion and our own self-interests should sacrificially be laid down so we can focus on the Lord and the needs of others. When Paul informs Corinthian believers to refrain from doing a particular action in a worship service, he is simply saying, "Don't do that. It's self-centered!"
6.The Bible calls us to be "infants in evil." This requires us to exercise caution concerning what we allow into our minds through our eyes and ears.


1. Why can't a believer worship Jesus without regularly gathering with other believers? What dangers become present for those who think they can worship Jesus privately?

2. What activity from chapter 14 do you find the easiest to engage in during worship services? Why? Which activity do you find the most difficult?

3. The Bible teaches us to "test" words of prophecy. We are to hold fast to what is good and discard that  which may not be Spirit-led. Are there any guidelines that may help a believer determine what they should hold to and what they should discard concerning a word of prophecy?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

That our church would be full of believers who sacrifice for and love each other.

That we would be committed to and grow in the activities found in 1 Corinthians 14.