Jan 16, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 1.14.18 ]


"Social Networking and a Healthy Soul"

TEXT: 1 Cor. 16:5-24; 3 John 1:9


1. Due in part to the popularity and use of social networking sites and apps, we have seen our culture become accustomed to a short-term reward system. They often structure us to be hesitant concerning lifelong commitment. As a result, we are constantly craving and seeking to stay up to date with whatever is "new." Although not inherently evil, caution and wisdom should be exercised as we use some of the technologies the 21st Century has brought to our lives. 

2. The health of our souls do depend on social networking. The Bible teaches us that it is not good or wise for us to be alone. We cannot be the only ones who know ourselves. But unlike the ones previously mentioned, the social network Scripture calls us to will structure us to live full, joyful, and God-glorifying lives. Paul gives us a glimpse into his social network at the end of 1 Corinthians and from this we can glean what is needed in order to have a healthy soul.

3. First, Paul speaks of spending the winter in one place with a specific group of believers. There must be people in our lives who can rejuvenate and refresh us; there must be people that we can be honest with and communicate our struggles to. Every believer is called to advance the gospel through the doors that God opens for us, but this endeavor will often push us past our stress limits. We have an adversary who opposes us and the Kingdom of God. If we don't have people we can clearly communicate to, we will be ineffective in the work God has called us to. Often we will feel as if God has let us down. 

4. The following practices and attitudes contribute to a healthy and necessary social network for believers:
  • Believers put each other at ease. Often we need others to help calm us down and encourage us when it may look bleak or hopeless.
  • Believers need others who will not despise and ignore them because of their weaknesses. 
  • Believers need someone who will help them stand firm when their faith is being shaken.
  • Believers need other believers who they can trust with the most intimate aspects of their life--both positive and negative. 
  • Believers need mature Christians around who can model what a faithful life and commitment to Christ looks like.

5. Just as true now as when the Bible was written, it is common for fake Christians to be in our network. They will seek to cause problems amongst the people of God, want to be recognized both privately and publicly, and will seek to take over everything they can. 

6. God will not force you to have a healthy social network. You must intentionally pursue it and establish one in your life. But God does make it clear that having a biblically-based and gospel-centered community is not to be considered optional. There is serious danger in going at it alone. 


1. What are some signs that a believer may be beyond their stress limits and need to enter into a season of "wintering" like Paul?

2. What are common things we encounter that may shake our faith?

3. What does it look like for a believer to intentionally pursue a healthy social network?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

That the Lord would protect our church from the harm the enemy would desire to do through fake Christians

That our church would be a healthy place where people are refreshed, rejuvenated, and encouraged.