Mar 20, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 3.18.18 ]


TEXT: 2 Cor. 8:1-15; 1 Tim. 2:8-15; Gen. 3; Eph. 5:15-21


1. In the New Testament, Paul did not refer to giving as a command but rather as a God-enabled work of grace. Our giving is an indicator of a right heart towards the Lord. But we must not reduce giving to only an action. There are right and wrong hearts, motivations, and driving forces behind Christian giving. All of these, alongside the action of giving, should be considered as we give.

2. If a particular teaching promises the same things that an unconverted heart would desire, that teaching is likely full of error. The Kingdom of God often promises and delivers the opposite of what unconverted hearts long for. Prosperity theology, in all its' various forms and messages, uses Jesus and the Bible as a way to get what most unconverted hearts desire--material. This theology system repels unbelievers and awakens wrong desires within  followers of Christ.

3. Be cautious and mindful of teaching that awakens your desire to possess and consume the material world above all other pursuits. For example, giving to get something from God will awaken fallen and corrupt desires within our hearts. 

4. Biblical submission does not include nor could it be defined as: being ruled over, oppressed, or domineered by another. In calling for us to submit, God is actually directing both gender roles down the path of redemption. What Adam and Eve broke in Genesis by desiring and choosing to be their own gods, the Lord is working to rightly restore. Through our mutual submission and living out the role God has called us to, redemption and God's good plan is able to freely flow into our lives. 

5. Men ought to submit to God through prayer and fellowship with him. Adam lost this in the garden when Satan usurped and destroyed Adam's role. Rather than cover and redeem Eve when she fell into deception, Adam joined in and, as a result, lost fellowship with God. If a man wants fellowship with God, he cannot oppress anyone with his masculinity. 
6. God used the role of woman, who was first deceived, to bring forth the ultimate truth. He did this by bringing forth his Son--Jesus--to be the Savior of all. Furthermore, the truth and power that Jesus provides can enable the role of femininity to refrain from usurping and assuming the role that God intends for masculinity to fulfill.

7. To live a life that is full and free of want, we need to be submitted to God's redeeming work concerning our individual roles, to each other, and to the Good Shepherd himself. We cannot be submitted to God without being submitted to others. Through our mutual and loving submission, God works in a such way that our souls will have no want. 


1. What is the difference between giving as a command and giving as a grace?

2. What does biblical submission look like in our day to day lives?

3. What does it feel and look like to have a life that is free from want? 


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

That our church would be full of loving and mutual submission.