Apr 24, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 4.22.18 ]


"Responsible Authority (Be Careful)" 

TEXT: 2 Cor.13; Rom.1:24-25; Duet. 17:6, 19:15; Mt. 18:15


1. Every person has specific God-given authority in some area and/or sphere of their life. That authority is to be stewarded wisely and responsibly. We can see that many authority figures in our world are given to us through the means of common grace. In the Church, Jesus has specifically graced his people with persons of authority to lead his people and build them up.  

2. The context of "two or three witnesses" throughout the Bible deals with the use of severe authority. In all places where this idea shows up, something very serious is being discussed and written about. In the New Testament, it is used in reference to church authority removing persons from corporate worship for being outright unrepentive and divisive. This is not an issue that can or should be taken lightly.  

3. The default mode of the human heart is to be humanistic. This worldview steers us towards being impressed--to the point where we worship--about what man is, can do, and can make. Paul, in the Book of Romans, puts it this way: we are prone to worship the creation rather than the Creator. When humanity refuses to worship God, they will worship something lesser. 

4. Paul uses his authority to make sure the people of God do not mix the worship of creation and lesser things in with the proper worship of God. Paul seeks to protect the worship of God and is grieved that some abandon it in order to worship something of lesser value and significance.  

5. When false worship is allowed or present in the house of God, the power of God will be absent. Church authority has been put in place to make sure this tragedy does not take place.


1. What are some thoughts concerning what worship is and what it means to worship that may help us define or better understand it?

2. In what ways does humanity worship the creation rather than the Creator?

3. What are some things that are likely to be present in the false worship of God?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

That our families, church, and community would "worship God".