May 1, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 4.29.18 ]


"Faulty Airbag Testing" 

TEXT: 2 Cor.10, 13:5-14


1. A properly functioning airbag is designed to save and protect lives. But it is common to hear reports of faulty airbags that deploy at inappropriate times and harm drivers. In each case, what is meant and designed to save lives, is actually causing destruction. The same can be true of theology. A person can hold certain beliefs and doctrines as true but, in reality, those beliefs are erroneous and causing harm to their soul and spiritual life. Beliefs that someone may think save them actually end up harming them. 

2. Because the possibility of believing a false or faulty gospel exists, we should make every effort to examine our hearts and lives to see if we are truly in the faith. And it is not a matter we should take lightly; eternity hangs in the balance. Nor is it something we should only consider once. Throughout our lifetime, we should examine our commitment to Jesus, truth, and to God's redemptive plan as it unfolds in our world.  

3. When Jesus speaks of "preparing a place" for us, he is not specifically talking about a physical dwelling place. He is referring to the work he desires to do in and through us as new creations. He is talking about our relationship with him; about the reality that his followers will enjoy fellowship with the Godhead for an eternity. 

4. Paul mentions the term strongholds in his second letter to the Corinthians. This is commonly taught to Christians in the context of our thought life. Believers are told to pay attention to their thoughts, be aware of how they influence you, and examine if they are shaped by the Word of God or this world. This practice is necessary for followers of Jesus, but it is not the meaning or context of this particular verse. 

5. When referring to strongholds, Paul is aiming to teach us that when the Bible is taught, we need to make sure that what we are hearing is true and right. The spiritual teaching we receive should have the right focus. The teaching we receive shapes our thought life and our actions inevitably follow our thoughts. If false teaching is received, it will create a stronghold in our mind that will negatively affect all parts of our life. 

6. God doesn't need us. He is totally self-sufficient and has everything he needs within himself. Because he didn't create us out of need, this means he made us because he desired to (or because he loves us). 

7. The Lord leaves us imperfect so we can learn and practice love towards others. This is one of the chief ways we grow as followers of Jesus. 


1. In addition to the "tests" from the book of 1 John, what are some other things we should consider as we seek to examine ourselves? 

2.Can you think of any specific strongholds that Christians in your generation seem to struggle with?

3. The concept of enjoying God seems like a foreign reality to many. What does it mean to enjoy fellowship with God?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

That the Holy Spirit would empower and lead us as we seek to examine our hearts and lives.