Feb 27, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 2.25.28 ]


"Assigned Influence"

TEXT: Selected Scriptures from 2 Corinthians 


1. Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth clearly reveals God's plan for all believers after their individual salvation. God assigns each believer an amount of influence on our fallen world. He expects us to take that influence seriously and to use our lives for the expansion of his Kingdom. The promise of eternal life looms over all our days and impacts what we seek to accomplish with our lives. With the fear of death removed and the promise of eternal life ours, believers can joyfully pour themselves out for the glory of God. 

2. We don't get to decide what God has assigned to us--it comes from the Lord. And doing what God has assigned to you does not mean your life will be easier. In fact, the opposite is often true. You are likely to encounter more difficulty as you are obedient to the assignments the Lord has given you. 

3. When Christians reduce the Bible down to a practical "how-to" book in order to obtain or accomplish something, they remove God's power from much of their life. We cannot take away the impractical aspects of our faith to make following Jesus more palatable to non-believers. Doing so will "veil" the gospel to those who desperately need it.  A large part of the Christian faith is trusting in and being guided by impractical truths that--through the power of God--supernaturally impact our lives. 

4. Christians need to be cautious concerning the temptation to change truth so people will feel good about their ungodly ways. What many call tolerance and love is actually cowardice and cruelty. This is revealed when we understand there is a Judgment Day where each person will stand before God and justice will be administered perfectly, honestly, and fairly. Not one person will escape this and the Bible teaches us to be ready for it by placing all our hope, trust and faith in the risen Christ. 

5. American Christianity has presented a serious danger to believers. We can become "yoked" together with Bible teachers who remove the impractical parts of the faith and replace it with practical self-help garbage. This leads people away from the impractical truths of our faith that have the power to save, sustain and guide us. In seeking to make the Christian faith practical and easy, these teachers remove the only thing that makes Christianity work--the power of God. 

6. The Ten Commandments help us move away from defilement while pushing us towards the assignments the Lord gives us. Understanding them will help us discern if we are yoked up with harmful teaching and help us hear the voice of the Lord concerning our individual assignments.
  • There is only one God. 
  • You cannot make up your own God. 
  • Don't proclaim God is a part of something he isn't (and vice versa). 
  • One day a week should be guarded and set aside for the corporate worship of God.
  • Parents are the biggest influence on whether or not children will serve the Lord. God wants believers to raise godly offspring. 


1. How can you know what assignments the Lord has called you to?

2. What are some examples of dangerous teachings we could become yoked up with?

3. How have some of the impractical truths of the Christian faith impacted your life?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

Fulfilling the assignments the Lord gives.

Not veiling the gospel. 

Discernment concerning Bible teachers and teachings.