Apr 3, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 4.1.18 ]


"Once Upon a Time: The Greatest Story Ever Told" 

TEXT: Jn. 17:21; Gen. 1:26,2:24; Col. 1:22; Rev. 21 


1. Because of original and imputed sin, humanity lives in the "land of the dying". The world we live in is cursed and fallen. This is meant to prepare us for the next life (eternity). But God was not surprised by the sin and rebellion of his creation. Even before the original sin, he already had put the redemption plan in motion. This means death--even though there is incredible pain and suffering associated with it--has an ultimate and good purpose in God's story.   

2. We should not waste the seasons of our life that are filled with death and pain. Handled rightly, those seasons can prepare us for eternity, work valuable truths into our hearts, and lead us to have a deeper trust in our Savior. 

3. The story of God begins with Jesus on the cross. The Bible says that the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). This makes the cross the reason for existence, the central message that God wants to convey to humanity, and the most important event in all of history. In the New Testament, the cross is mentioned more than the resurrection. Why? The cross is where broken lives are changed. It is where Jesus himself was broken for broken people. 

4. The story of God ends with Jesus--the bridegroom--reunited and celebrating with his bride, the Church. Scripture uses the picture and language of a marital relationship when describing the Church's relationship with Christ. The union of a husband and wife is the relationship that most clearly shows the depths of intimacy, love, and service. Weddings and marriages serve as the shadow of the real union that will come when the Church is united with Christ forever. 

5. The story of God is a story of "one". God is three in one, he wants to be one with us, and he desires that the family of God is one. God never says he wants to be one with angels (who have never experienced death and suffering). But he does say he wants to be one with humanity (who have experienced death and suffering). In part, the pain and suffering of this world is meant to push us towards being one with God through the gospel of Christ. 

6. If a person's own life story ends without responding to the cross of Christ, their opportunity to be "one" with God will be lost forever. Although we live in a time where many struggle with the doctrine of hell--and some even outright deny that it exists--a person can refuse "oneness" with God and choose to stay separated from him forever. What Jesus is preparing for his bride is not a place where rebels and what is false will enter (Revelation 21). 

7. Although we must exercise faith when we trust that Jesus is the Son of God, it does not mean there are no facts surrounding the divinity of Jesus and his resurrection. There are many evidences of divinity to consider concerning the person and work of Jesus.
  • Jesus fulfilled more than 350 prophecies perfectly and performed miracles during his earthly life that pointed to his divinity.
  • The body of Jesus was never produced; all it would have taken to disprove the resurrection was a body. 
  • Women were the first witnesses to his resurrection ( no one making up a story would have chosen this to be recorded as fact). Jesus goes on to present himself to around 500 people who could serve as eyewitnesses to his resurrection. 
  • The disciples were willing to die because Jesus resurrected; Jesus' own brothers became martyrs after the resurrection.
  • The spread of the Church of Jesus Christ--even in the midst of direct and dangerous opposition--suggests that the resurrection is true and that the Christian faith has a divine hand guiding and growing it. 

1. How can you "waste" the seasons of your life that are filled with pain and suffering?

2. Can you name some good things that have come from your own pain and suffering? What truths have been worked into your heart as a result of living in the land of dying?

3. What does it mean to be one with God?

4. How has the resurrection of Jesus changed your life?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

Not wasting the difficult seasons of life. 

That our church would portray the story of "one" for the world to see.