Apr 10, 2018

Rhythm Recap [ 4.8.18 ]


"No Pain, No Gain" 

TEXT: 2 Cor. 12


1. Paul, trying to prove that he is the true apostle who delivered the correct gospel, points out the pain he is experiencing over the Corinthians. He doesn't point out all the signs and wonders done through him like the false "super-apostles." He is in pain over the Corinthians being led astray. He is laboring to make the point that it is his pain concerning them that shows he is the true apostle.  

2. Without pain, the Kingdom of God does not advance in our own lives or in the world. This is contrary to our natural desire for comfort at all times. We want comfort, but sometimes God brings pain. Paul uses two analogies--parenting and pregnancy--to describe what he is going through with the Corinthians. Both have incredible amounts of pain involved with them. And, despite the pain, both are extremely worth it. This reality points to how we should view the pain we experience when seeking to advance the Kingdom of God. 

3. Pain is not meant to cripple us. When we persevere through pain, while still proclaiming the goodness and trustworthiness of God, we display how valuable Jesus is. When we willingly subject ourselves to pain so that others would come to know Christ, it points the world to the glory of God. Although pain will be present in our lives, God is good and the pain is for our good (even when it seems like nothing is getting better or progressing).  

4. We will be tempted to control God and do what we think will bring relief or cause the Lord to remove the pain. In the midst of pain, we don't control God, we trust him. 

5. God desires two things from us as we walk through pain: (1) that we persevere so we can be amazed at how God has moved in relation to our painful circumstance, and (2) that we would be willing to be spent and hurt for others. 

6. To stay fruitful in our spiritual lives we have to learn to not seek people for what they can do for us or give to us. Believers should seek people in order to give to them and enhance their well-being. 

7. If a church is not willing to hurt for others, the problems mentioned in verse 20 will show up. Weak believers will have no chance of having victory over their sins and the likelihood of being yoked up with false teaching increases.


1. What sort of pain do believers commonly experience as they seek to advance the Kingdom of God?

2. How can we prepare for this pain so that when it comes we will be able to persevere? What actions may we have to take in the midst of the pain in order to persevere? 

3. What are some of the wrong ways and things we seek people for?


Pray as you feel led concerning the following area(s):

Being willing to hurt for others.